PlantText Version 20 is here: snippets, autocomplete, pop out window & more!
April 2023

Welcome to PlantText's first ever newsletter! THANK YOU for being part of the PlantText community. What began as a passion project and a tool I built for myself has turned into something that's now used all around the globe 24/7. I'm humbled and amazed. And if you count yourself among those who have donated to PlantText this year, I want to say a double thank you. Your donations keep PlantText going.

On The Blog

Our latest post on the blog is on Class Diagrams - what they are, why bother, and how to build them. It's the first in what will become a series on building class diagrams of the Gang of Four design patterns. For a while now I've been wanting to post about the different types of diagrams and their uses. So here we go! Next up: the Singleton and Observer patterns.

New in PlantText

March was a busy month for PlantText. We pushed out Version 19, which was mostly a bunch of server upgrades, but also included adding design pattern and JSON diagrams to the samples dropdown. If you haven't tried out working with JSON in Plant Text, I highly recommend it!

And now shortly on the heels of Verison 19 we've already pushed out Version 20. This release includes some really great features:

  • Code snippets
  • Autocompletion
  • Pop-out window for the diagram image. Use 2 monitors!
  • Syntax highlighting in multiple languages
  • Add themes to your diagrams to alter the color scheme and style

There's a lot in there! Read more about Version 20 here.

Let's Connect

Keep up with all things PlantText - Follow us on Twitter. We're actively looking for volunteers to help with our testing effort, to speed up the release of new features. Interested? Email

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