PlantText server architecture
Software Releases

PlantText Version 22

A Focus on Performance This year has seen a steady increase in both PlantText’s user base as well as the volume of requests hitting our servers. Up to this point, PlantText had been using the publicly available PlantUML servers created and hosted by the amazing Arnaud Roques! Over time, PlantText has become a very large […]

Observer design pattern
Design Patterns

Design Patterns: Observer

In the last episode of this Design Patterns series we looked at the very simple Singleton. Now we’ll turn our attention to the frequently used and extremely useful Observer pattern. And of course you can instantly generate an Observer of your own by going to the PlantText Samples window and choosing “Design Patterns” and “Observer.”

Software Releases

PlantText Version 21

Version 21 is Released! Version 21 is out and we are excited! This version is all about optimizing usability and making some cosmetic tweaks that we’ve wanted to do for a while now. We wanted to increase the editor and image area on the screen and just tuck everything into the right place. What’s new

Software Releases

PlantText Feature Poll for Version 22

Thanks to everyone who voted in the PlantText feature poll for Version 22! This feedback is essential ensuring that you get the software you want. Here are the results. The big winners: saving diagrams and AI Being able to save diagrams was the most popular feature, narrowly edging out AI integration. Adding a chat feature

Design Patterns

Design Patterns: Singleton

In my last post on building Class Diagrams in PlantText, I mentioned I’d be kicking off a Design Patterns series. I figured we’d start simple and then build from there. You can’t get much simpler than the singleton pattern, right? So here we go. Just don’t ask ChatGPT to generate a singleton pattern for you

Software Releases

PlantText Version 20

Version 20 is Released! PlantText Version 20 is here! We are really pumped about it and hope you enjoy using it. Most exciting are the new features for registered, logged in users. Remember, it’s free to register on PlantText. Version 20 also offers many new features for everyone else too. Let’s go through them one

PlantUML, UML Diagrams

Class Diagrams

What Are Class Diagrams? This post is all about creating Class Diagrams using PlantUML. We’ll start with the basics of PlantUML syntax, and then chat a bit about object oriented programming. I’m mostly writing this post as a refresher for myself, as well as a reference for future me. True confession – I keep forgetting

Software Releases

PlantText Version 19 and Beyond

Version 19 was released! We pushed out Version 19 the other night and it got us excited about spending some real time making the best free PlantUML editor out there. Here’s what’s in Version 19: So, this was a lot of effort behind the scenes, but perhaps not the most exciting release from a

Software Releases

PlantText Version 18

PlantText is kicking off 2022 with a bevy of enhancements: Version 18 includes syntax highlighting, advanced editor settings, emailing diagrams, linking to diagrams, and more. This is going to be a big year for PlantText. I have more time set aside to add functionality and write blog posts. It’s gonna be fun.    But let’s talk

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